Vogel, M. Benjamín & Sandoval, V. Paulo


This paper presents a clinical intervention for children based on the experience of four years of preorthodontic pilot therapy at the Universidad de la Frontera in patients of students in fourth and fifth years of the Career of Dentistry, and early intervention in the private practice of the authors. Delivered the foundation for a proper diagnosis and subsequent treatment and the development of the apparatus used. First handling bad habits, then pull the frontal and finally managing the replacement in patients Class I, are reviewed in the light of this therapy, simple and cost-efficient, allowing use as a tool in orthodontic interception patient growth. The experience of four years of implementation suggests that despite the simplicity of therapies requires the cooperation of the patient and understanding of parents and guardians. Patients who use their machines to get good results. As the relationship with parents and the motivation of children, are key factors when deciding to treat a child with coaches, skin traction or dynamic space maintainers. Although not all patients avoids the corrective orthodontic treatments, improving the conditions of tissues for future involvement of specialists, as well as educate the patient self in oral health. KEY WORDS: early treatment, nonnutritive sucking habits, facemask therapy, dental arch development.

How to cite this article

VOGEL, M. B. & SANDOVAL, V. P. Preorthodontic applied in children of the Región IX of Chile. Int. J. Odontostomat., 2(2):147-152, 2008.