Jefferson David Melo de Matos; Leonardo Jiro Nomura Nakano; Guilherme da Rocha Scalzer Lopes; Marco Antonio Bottino; John Eversong Lucena de Aasconcelos; Ricardo Huver de Jesus & Lucas Campagnaro Maciel


This study aims to evaluate the physical, chemical, mechanical and optical properties of Bulk-Fill resin, in relation to the literature and its proper clinical uses. A bibliographic search was performed in the main health databases PUBMED ( and Scholar Google (, in which articles published from 1994 to 2020 were collected. Laboratory studies, case reports, systematic reviews and literature reviews, which were developed in living individuals, were included. Therefore, articles that did not deal with the characteristics of the Bulk-Fill resin and its proper clinical uses were excluded. The use of Bulk-Fill resin has been progressively increasing over the years, presenting good properties, achieving success in clinical performance, ease of handling and thus has become the material of choice for dentists. In addition, its longevity demonstrates durability with mechanical properties and resistance to tooth structure. BulkFill resins have characteristics similar to traditional composite resins, when performed according the usage protocol. With the use of this group of resins in a single increment, possible failures that occur during the restorative procedure can be minimized, such as: less chance of incorporating bubbles and a volumetric contraction with less stress on the interface.

KEY WORDS: composite resins, stress, mechanical, physical properties, esthetics, dental.

How to cite this article

MATOS, J. D. M.; NAKANO, L. J. N.; LOPES, G. R. S.; BOTTINO, M. A.; VASCONCELOS, J. R. L.; JESUS, R. H. & MACIEL, L. C. Characterization of bulk-fill resin composites in terms of physical,chemical, mechanical and optical properties and clinical behavior. Int. J. Odontostomat., 15(1):226-233, 2021.