Pablo Betancourt; Daniela Matus; Javiera Muñoz; Pablo Navarro & Scarlette Hernández


The apical limit of tooth roots for instrumentation and obturation is a controversial subject due to the high morphological complexity presented by the apical zone of the root. The development of electronic apex locators (EALs) has made working length (WL) determination more predictable, producing more accurate results; however, the interpretation mechanisms of different devices may affect measurements taken under different clinical conditions. One hundred premolars were used to compare the effectiveness of Propex II, Raypex 6, Propex Pixi and Root ZX II in locating the apical foramen (AF). No statistically significant differences were observed when the accuracy of measurement was compared between the different groups of EALs, however Root ZX II and Raypex 6 presented the best overall performance. KEY WORDS: tooth root, anatomy, endodontics, electronic apex locator.

How to cite this article

BETANCOURT, P.; MATUS, D.; MUÑOZ, J.; NAVARRO, P. & HERNÁNDEZ, S. Accuracy of four electronic apex locators during root canal length determination. Int. J. Odontostomat., 13(3):287-291, 2019.