Marcelo Mardones M.; Eduardo Navia G.; Rodrigo Bravo A. & Cristopher Mayer O.


The objective of the present case report is to present the experience of the maxillofacial surgery team of the Hospital San Jose in the management of atrophic mandible fracture, through the medical-surgical treatment and postoperatory evolution of two clinical cases. We studied two women with systemic conditions, edentulous with a diagnosis of atrophic mandible fracture subsequent to fall injury. In all treated cases the surgical team achieved satisfactory results through an integral treatment of patients with this type of fracture, based on actual literature reported protocols. The treatment of choice for this type of fractures is an anatomical open reduction, by internal fixation with osteosynthesis plates and screws on the basis of favorable results and functional rehabilitation of patients. The multidisciplinary management is fundamental for treatment of this type of patient due to the concomitant systemic conditions of these patients. KEY WORDS: mandible fracture, atrofic mandible fractures, atrofic mandible fracture treatment.

How to cite this article

MARDONES, M. M.; NAVIA, G. E.; BRAVO, A. R. & MAYER, O. C. Management of atrophic mandible fractures: Report of two clinical cases. Int. J. Odontostomat., 5(2):1126-132, 2011.