Uremic Stomatitis as an Oral Complication of Chronic Renal Failure: Case Report and Literature Review

2018 • Volume 12 • Issue 3

Pablo Molinare S.; Kevin Ludwig M. & Pablo Quiroz M.



Uremic stomatitis is a rare oral lesion that usually occurs in patients with advanced or untreated chronic renal failure. Here we report a case of a 22-year-old male patient who comes to an emergency department with the presence of painless whitish plaques on the floor of the mouth, internal cheek face, and tongue. Probable causes, clinical presentations, and dental management are discussed.

KEY WORDS: uremic stomatitis, chronic renal failure, whitish oral plaques.


How to cite this article

MOLINARE, S. P.; LUDWIG, M. K. & QUIROZ, M. P. Uremic stomatitis as an oral complication of chronic renal failure: Case report and literature review. Int. J. Odontostomat., 12(3):304-308, 2018.


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