Three-Dimensional Characteristics of Bacteriae in the Filiform and Fungiform Papillae of Rat: a TEM and HRSEM Study

2008 • Volume 2 • Issue 1

Watanabe, Ii-sei; Ogawa, Koichi ; Guimarães, Juliana Plácido & Iyomasa, Mamie Misusaki



Tongue mucosae of one day postnatal rat was examined by transmission electron microscopic and HRSEM methods.The specimens were fixed using Karnovsky solution and embedded in Spurr resin for transmission electron microscopy. For HRSEM methods, the samples were fixed in 2% osmiun tetroxide, dehydrated in alcohol, critical point dried and coated with gold-palladium. The results demonstrated that the surface of tongue present the filiform and fungiform papillae covered by numerous keratinized epithelial cells. The bacteriae are attached to the surfaces of microplicae at random, demonstrating in their three-dimensional HRSEM images. At high magnification, the transmission electron microscopic images revealed the adhesion of bacteriae to the cell membrane by glycocalyx. The fibrillar structures surrounding the bacteriae are clearly seen.

KEY WORDS: epithelial cell, tongue, rat, coccus, bacillus, bacteriae, HRSEM, TEM.


How to cite this article

WATANABE, I.; OGAWA, K.; GUIMARÃES, P. J. & IYOMASA, M. M. Three-Dimensional characteristics of bacteriae in the filiform and fungiform papillae of rat: a TEM and HRSEM study. Int. J. Odontostomat., 2(1):95-99, 2008.


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