Retromolar Canal and Foramen Prevalence in Dried Mandibles and Clinical Implications

2008 • Volume 2 • Issue 2

Suazo, Galdámes Iván; Zavando, Matamala Daniela & Cantín, López Mario



The retromolar foramen (RMF) and retromolar canal (RMC) are formations located in the retromolar fossa, as anatomical variations. It is important the surgical knowledge of these neurovascular elements contents. This study analyzed 294 mandibles of known sex and age, 195 male and 99 female from the Universidade Federal de São Paulo collection, between 20 and 100 years old. The prevalence of the RMF and RMC was 12.9%. We discuss about the clinical implications of these formations presence.

KEY WORDS: retromolar foramen, retromolar canal, retromolar fossa, mandible.


How to cite this article

SUAZO, G. I.; ZAVANDO, M. D. & CANTÍN, L. M. Retromolar canal and foramen prevalence in dried mandibles and clinical implications. Int. J. Odontostomat., 2(2):183-187, 2008.


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