Evaluation of Success Rate of Root Canal Treatment Performed by Undergraduate Dental Students in a Chilean University

2020 • Volume 14 • Issue 2

Felipe Maldonado-Sanhueza; Vania Gómez-Inzunza; Cristián Rosas-Mendez & Scarlette Hernández-Vigueras



The objective of endodontic treatment is to prevent or achieve the absence of post-treatment apical periodontitis, thereby maintaining functionality of the tooth in the mouth. In Chilean universities undergraduate programs, training in endodontics is limited to low level complexity cases and is transversal throughout the universities. The objective of this study is to evaluate the frequency of success of endodontic treatments performed by undergraduate students between the years 2014-2017 of the School of Dentistry, Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh), Valdivia, Chile. A descriptive observational study was conducted where 74 endodontic treatments were evaluated in uniradicular teeth of 63 patients, selected through a simple random sampling, that met selection criteria. The criteria used for the clinical evaluation were: absence of pain on palpation and percussion, absence of fistula and function tooth. In the radiographic evaluation the following criteria were used: length of obturation in relation to the dental apex, taper, density of the obturator material and reduction of the periapical lesion. Of the treatments evaluated, 78 % clinical success and 41 % radiographic success were reported. Finally, it is concluded that the results obtained at clinical and radiographic level are similar to those reported in the literature.

KEY WORDS: endodontic, root canal obturation, root canal filling materials, radiography dental, pain, postoperative, dental students, success, failure.


How to cite this article

MALDONADO-SANHUEZA, F.; GÓMEZ-INZUNZA, V.; ROSAS-MENDEZ, C. & HERNÁNDEZ-VIGUERAS, S. Evaluation of success rate of root canal treatment performed by undergraduate dental students in a Chilean university. Int. J. Odontostomat., 14(2):154-159, 2020.


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