Watanabe, Marlívia Gonçalvel de Carbalho; Mattos, María da Glória Chiarello; Watanabe, Plauto Chistopher Aranha; Issa, João Paulo Mardegan


The aim of this study is to show the contribution of panoramic radiographic examinations to the epidemiologic study of root caries in patients from the Radiology Clinic at the Ribeirão Preto College of Dentistry - University of São Paulo (FORP-USP). The study’s population was composed of 200 patients, 100 men and 100 women, aged over 35 years. All patients were submitted to radiographic and clinical examinations. Data regarding the Root Caries Index (RCI), obtained during the clinical examination and complemented by the panoramic radiographic examination, showed that the number of additional lesions observed with the radiographic examination significantly changed the values of the index (p<0.01 - Wilcoxon), i.e., from 13.2 to 14.4. It was concluded that in spite of the panoramic radiographic examination not being ideal for the verification of the root surface caries, it might help in the diagnosis of this condition if correctly performed and using modern technology equipment. KEY WORDS: root surface caries; clinical examination; panoramic radiographs.

How to cite this article

WATANABE, M. G. C.; MATTOS, C. M. D.; WATANABE, P. C. A. & ISSA, M. J. P. Contribution of panoramic radiographic examinations for the diagnosis of root surface caries. Int. J. Odontostomat., 1(1):17-23, 2007.