Marceli Moço Silva; Alvimar Lima de Castro; Ana Maria Pires Soubhia & Marcelo Macedo Crivelini


Mouth lymphoepithelial cyst is rare, with few cases reported in literature. The aim of this article is to describe a clinical case, focusing on clinical and diagnostic aspects, treatment and prognosis. The lesion was one year old and had developed as a fibrous nodule in the jugal mucosa of a 71-year-old leucoderma patient. Considering focal inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia, fibroma and mucocele as differential diagnosis, excisional biopsy was carried out. A cystic cavity limited by pseudostratified epithelium without projections into the conjunctive tissue, with lymphoid tissue within, was microscopically identified. Without postoperative adverse events, the one-year clinical followup confirmed the favorable prognosis of this kind of lesion. KEY WORDS: non-odontogenic cysts, lymphoepithelial cyst, ectopic lymphoid tissue.

How to cite this article

SILVA, M. M; CASTRO, A. L.; SOUBHIA A. M. P. & CRIVELINI, M. M. Lymphoepithelial cyst in jugal mucosa. Int. J. Odontostomat., 5(1):55-58, 2011.